Guru Chats

Hi Everybody,
What wonderful fall retreats we have had going-on. I am learning so much from all of you. Our mystery guests have been inspiring and it is always a great reminder to serve where each of you needs to be served. Things were easy for me while studying with Audle because I had sight. I have to remember that everyone learns differently and that if you don’t have inner-sight it is best to rely on your feeling-nature.
You can go through the whole kingdom by feel because each plane has a different vibration / feel to it.
Trust yourself! Allow doubt to fade away as you go through the inner-kingdom and build things in your etheric body and in the inner-planes.
“When you think it, you create it.” So, let go of doubt and worry, learn to trust and this work will become much easier as will the rest of your life!
Love & Light,