Guru Chats

Guru Chats

Hi Everyone,

You’ve all heard the saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough meditate more.”

We all face adversity. We all have problems. Audle called this, “The crisis bearing planet.”


It seems like a lot of people go from crisis to crisis and that’s the story of their life. They forget that they are the ones writing their story… I recommend we take a break as often as possible. Don’t “woe is me” and meditate less when the stuff hits the fan. Sit down and meditate more when you feel overwhelmed.


Meditate in that beautiful flame on top of your head that connects you directly with your Divine Self.

Sit in the Heart of the Buddha and fill with this incredible healing, loving, compassionate, golden light. Allow this Divine Light, this Divine Flow to help heal you and calm the anxiety and fear that we create within ourselves.


Be at peace. Be one with God.

Now, doesn’t that feel better?


Love & Light