Where Are We Living?

Where Are We Living?

Where are we living at any given moment of our days?

In the past?

In the future?

In the present?

Ask yourself that question when you feel yourself spinning out in your day… Where am I living? — Take a moment to reassess where you are and where you want to be. It is that simple. By taking the moment you can change your energy from a downward spiral to an uplifting journey… but, it does take practice and dedication to yourself and your intentions to flip the script.

Be patient. Be present.

There is not much to be done in the past except presently altering base behavioral patterns that are no longer serving you. And the future is yet to be written, but your quill is in hand as you take steps right now.

I am kind, gentle, and loving to myself and others.


This year has been one of immense change, strife, and difficulties on all levels of our beings – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

But it has also taught us to see a much bigger picture. It has opened our eyes to innovation, changing the way we look at life, the way in which we do things, the order in which we think tasks must be accomplished. It has brought light to the corners of our world (personal and global) in order to shove in our faces the things we were doing that are no longer serving us as an individual and as a larger part of evolution.

There will always be pain and discomfort when life offers (or forces) change upon you. The length of your suffering is determined by you, and you alone.

When you rule your mind you rule your world.

When you choose your thoughts you choose your results.

-Imelda Shanklin

Many of us have begun to work from home (or have seen others join us in mass). We have changed course to help serve our children on their educational journeys. We have discovered that we can stay connected through the advances technology has given us. Many of us have discovered (or re-discovered) something that ignites passion back into our lives, something that brings us joy and we are then able to share it with the world.

Our school has grown this year because we are able to continue to offer all of our classes and retreats online! People are still connecting, we are still growing, we are still changing and adapting, and revealing to ourselves just how capable we are of riding the wave.

We are all so much more adaptable than we give ourselves credit for! Our Inner Divine-Self has such a desire to serve us, to see us grow and prosper, and succeed that we truly are the only ones standing in our way.

Remember to be kinder, gentler, and more loving to yourself and others as we disengage from that which has been holding us back and find new, different ways of creating the future we deserve.

Blessings on your journey.

Graphic Credit: Unknown