

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

-Leo Tolstoy

Life is consistent in change. Nothing is permanent. Nothing stays the same. 

Everything grows, everything evolves, everything changes. 

Embrace change. Do your best every day. Take care of your mind, body, and soul. Serve others. 

Recognize that this moment is impermanent and it too shall pass, but that in this moment we must do / be the very best that we can be.

Be gentle with yourself and others. 

Take time to enjoy the little things.

Stay centered as best you can.

Feel whatever it is that you are feeling, embrace it, become it, understand it (or choose to know that it might be something you will never understand), and let it go. Move forward. Adapt and change to what is in your abilities and your control.

Be mindful. Be peaceful. Be aware. Be loving. Be kind.

Blessings on your journey.

This is the latest quote from our Newsletter, read the full article HERE.