Guru Chats

Guru Chats

Hi Everyone,

No, you are not alone, we are all cleaning up. But, in case you are wondering what is going on, our friends in Shambala had us up the energy earlier this year which is allowing us to clear ourselves at much deeper levels.

Remember to use your “bundling technique”, hefty bags, and all those other wonderful tools that you have at your disposal. Try to not let the stuff build up in the first place, if you can help it. As soon as you feel something, clear it. And yes, this clearing is happening to you whether you come to retreat or not.

If I lit your light, or Kathi or Amber or you are an Audle student who is associated with us, this process is going on. Use your techniques and enjoy the growth on all levels that this opportunity is presenting to you.

Ask yourself, “Are you identifying with clean up or Divine Self?”

Love & Light