Balancing Act

Life is a Balance of Holding On and Letting Go.
We absolutely loved the visual in the original graphic, but we also created our own which is quite fitting to the work we teach and the life we are consistently learning in.
Life is all about balance. Balancing home life with work life with play life with friend and family life, etc… Balance.
One of the best ways we know to regain balance is to sit in meditation and allow all the things we are holding onto to melt away as we retake our center through our breath, body, consciousness, techniques, and meditation.
Even if your mind is going haywire throughout your meditation you are still reaping more benefits than you think. You made a conscious effort to sit down and realign yourself and that is something we deserve credit for.
While we meditate we let go (of whatever that may be).
How does your life feel now — Peaceful? Fulfilled? Loving? Balanced?
Remember that ease as you go about your day and remember, that as you come out of meditation, you no longer have to hold onto the things you went in with = you can let them go.