Tag: Newsletter

Guru Chats

Hello All, Now, go ahead and read the Guru Quote… I can wait. (Have you read it, ok!) That’s it. That’s what your Guru does for you. The Guru paves the way. They guide you. They prepare a place for you by awakening to their inner-self so they can show you how to do the…
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Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, This is actually a congratulations letter! I would like to thank all of you for embracing the teachings so well. In this time of Covid-19, you are all doing great! I get lots of calls for help in various ways, but no calls about being depressed, despondent, being stuck in a negative loop,…
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Guru Quotes

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… And then to return home.   -Australian Aboriginal Proverb Read our full Newsletter HERE

Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, What is non-attachment? Non-attachment is letting go of the thoughts and emotions that create suffering. Once you can stop being so attached to your thoughts, you will experience tremendous relief, inner peace, and a pervading sense of joyful well-being. Joyful well-being… feel that within your entire self, become that, radiate that out into…
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Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, Now, for those of you that have been active all winter, you don’t need to continue reading… But, for the rest of us couch or rocking chair potatoes, this is for you! It is time to get up and get active! Take that walk, lift those weights, do that yoga, ride that bike,…
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