March – April Newsletter
READ our Latest Newsletter HERE!
READ our Latest Newsletter HERE!
Real growth happens when you’re tired of your own sh*t. -Unknown FULL Newsletter
In Loving Memory, this “Guru Chats” is dedicated to my mother… I hope you enjoy reading her spiritual journey below. THE JOURNEY by Alyce Mathilda Lindberg-Densow, June 9th, 1929 – October 28th, 2021. In the beginning, there was guilt – guilt that I was forsaking Jesus Christ. Then, as I went deeper inside, I…
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Hello All, Finally, we are starting to feel the cool of fall setting in, slowly. Yet, there is a flurry in the air as school commences and all the changes of our world are once again in the forefront of everyone’s mind. Take time. Take time for gratitude. Take time for meditation. Take time for…
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“A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then making the best of it.” -Uknown Read the full newsletter HERE.
Hello All! Our latest Newsletter is up and ready to read! We’ve got new classes for our fall semester — check them out HERE! READ our Full Newsletter Here. Blessings, Jerry
“What were you before you were… This _____________.” -Answer given in Open Meditation on July 8th. -JD
Hello All! Summer is in full swing here… hot, hot, hot! Summer is a wonderful time to remember to breathe, have fun, laugh, explore, and let go! Shake off the chill of winter, ruffle the feathers of spring, and get out of your comfort zones as you try new things, go on adventures, challenge yourself,…
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Hello All! Our latest Newsletter is up and ready to read! We’ve got some initiations coming up for Ekam, Kriya, and the 4th Initiation — be sure to check out the dates and let us know if you are in need of one of the initations! READ our Full Newsletter Here. Blessings, Jerry
Hello All, Now, go ahead and read the Guru Quote… I can wait. (Have you read it, ok!) That’s it. That’s what your Guru does for you. The Guru paves the way. They guide you. They prepare a place for you by awakening to their inner-self so they can show you how to do the…
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I go to prepare a place for you. -Jesus, Quoted from the Bible Read the full Newsletter HERE
Our latest NEWSLETTER is up and ready to View! HERE