Tag: miinc

“This Little Light of Mine…”

“Don’t allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put some sunglasses on.” -Lady GaGa A wonderful quote from a popular performer. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Bring others up, help lift them, shine them, fill them with light. Share your joy. Another lovely addition: 1 This little light of mine,…
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January 2020: Colorado Retreat

Hello All! Here’s a friendly reminder about our up-coming Meditation Retreat… Montrose, CO            January 17-18-19      Retreat begins Thursday Night at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at the Mountain Institute Inc Center located at 330 S 12th St, Unit C in MONTROSE, CO, and is followed at 7:00pm with an Open Meditation-Service Class. 4th’s and above are…
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Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, Well, here we go again… Welcome to the New Year and the New Decade once again! I’m not making any “new” resolutions. I am going to stick with what I am already doing. I am going to fine-tune, refine, improve, and simplify. By my age, at the very least, a person should know…
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New Year, New You

The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t. -Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home It’s a new year, a new decade, and yet another opportunity to fine-tune your life. Keep what works for YOU and let go of what no longer serves you! Blessings on your journey.

December 2019: CO Retreat

Hello All, Here is a friendly reminder about our upcoming Meditation Retreat… All are welcome! Montrose, CO            December 13-14-15               Retreat begins Thursday Night at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at the Mountain Institute Inc Center located at 330 S 12th St, Unit C in MONTROSE, CO, and is followed at 7:00pm with an Open Meditation-Service…
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Instead of wasting your energy on that which cannot be changed, you need to focus on that which can be created. Which feels better within you – holding on or letting go? Thinking or Creating? One of the best questions you can ask yourself is, “Can I change it?” If the answer is, “no,” then…
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Detaching When Manifesting: If we truly believe in the universe / divine delivering us our desires, we must let go. Not of the possibility of it happening, but because there is nothing left to do – it’s as good as done. Detach and let go with faith and confidence; not in your desire, but in…
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December Retreat: Holiday Party!

Come Celebrate the Holiday Season with us on Saturday, December 14th of Retreat! 6pm-7pm = Please bring snacks to share & Yogi Tea will be provided for the party. 7pm-10pm = Dance to the live music of David Nunn & Friends! This event will take place on the Saturday of our December Retreat. This is…
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November 2019: NM Retreat

Hello All, Here is a friendly reminder about our upcoming Meditation Retreat… Taos, NM                   November 15-16-17              Retreat begins Thursday Night at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at Taos Satva – #2 Upper Colonias Rd, El Prado, NM – and is followed at 7:00pm with an Open Meditation-Service Class. 4th’s and above are welcome to the Initiation…
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