Guru Chats

Guru Chats

WELCOME to the New Year, Everyone!!!

What a wonderful time to do a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual inventory (release). Ask yourself what do I need in my life to enhance it every day? Ask yourself what is holding you back and inhibiting your growth in any area of the four bodies?

Be brave — whatever is holding you back, let it go! Surrender it to the Divine Self.

Audle gave us an amazing amount of tools to clean ourselves up and let go of unwanted mental – emotional baggage. As far as the physical junk goes – go through every closet, every room, every nook and cranny and physically lighten each space — have a garage sale or bag it up and drop it off at the local thrift store. Then see how much lighter you feel on all levels — it is definitely worth the effort.

My action for the New Year is to leave the old stuff in the old year and move forward (without it).

Love & Peace,
