Guru Chats

Guru Chats

Hi Everyone,

One thing in this school we try to stress is punctuality – you know, start on time, end on time. But, of course, sometimes life gets in the way of our best-laid plans.

I say, try not to stress over it, just do your best to remain centered, flexible, and accommodating to modify your plans as needed. …So, welcome to the (belated) newsletter, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Oh, by the way, if your mind is still busy when you are meditating try running more kriyas, thousand kriyas, and brain kriyas before meditating (or ekam technique, running the energy, etc depending upon where you are at in your journey). You know, twenty-four or forty, etc.

Remember our affirmation from retreat, “I am a Divine Being filled with Golden Light. I am strong with a positive outlook. I am full of love and I share it freely. Everything I do is for my highest good. I am capable and strong to clear myself.”


Peace & Joy,
