Get What You Give

I give what I want to receive.
As our lives advance and our days become hectic, remember to slow down, be kind, be patient, and give what you want to receive.
Someone just might need it (and that someone might be you…)
It is out of our reach to try and “know” what others need at any given time, so just be yourself and offer what you would like to be offered and watch as it comes full circle. Let others be crazy as you remember to live in your center (as best you can) and give what you would like to have come back to you.
Life is a lesson of giving and receiving, compromising and stepping up. Observe and learn when which is right for varying situations.
Give patience, love, kindness, and open-mindedness to any situation and you will be amazed at what you receive in return.
Remember the feeling — And ask yourself some questions… Does this feel right within me? How can I make this better / different for myself and others? How can I change my reaction so I no longer feel this way and can be more balanced on this topic? How can I better serve? What can I do to make this easier and allow myself to feel less stressed? Etc…
The answers may surprise you (and be simpler than you think!) And that’s just it, change your thinking and you will change your life. Be what you want to receive.
Blessings on your journey.