February 2016 Taos, NM Retreat

February 2016 Taos, NM Retreat

Hello all,

Here is a friendly reminder of our upcoming retreat — please remember that anyone is welcome to attend retreat…

Taos, NM                   February 12-13-14     NEW LOCATION!!! – Retreat begins Thursday February 11th at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at Taos Satva – #2 Upper Colonias Rd, El Prado, NM – and is followed at 7:00pm with an Open Meditation-Service Class.

4th’s and above are welcome to the Initiation at 5:30pm.

4th’s and above are to welcome to the Open Meditation-Service Class at 7pm.

Retreat starts Friday February 12th at Taos Satva, beginning with registration at 8:30am. The first meditation will be held at 9:00am. Ekam and Kriya Initiations begin at 4pm Friday.

Please let Jerry know who will be needing initiations. The retreat ends Sunday at 2pm.

Contact Jerry at (970)240-4557 or Francie at (970)765-1858 for more information. Donation for this retreat is $100.00.
P.S. The Saturday of retreat, February 13th, will be a late start — we will be starting retreat at 9:30am (instead of at 9am) to accommodate for the existing schedule at Taos Satva.

Our retreats are a wonderful way to experience our Meditation School, to ask questions, and be around like-minded people.

Hope to see you there!

Blessings, Jerry