Be Kind

Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
What a wonderful time to be involved in this world and observing all the changes happening around us.
People are becoming more aware of just how connected we all (truly) are in this (entire) world. We are in this together. The reminder of how interconnected we are is glaringly in our faces. Due to this, we have an opportunity to work together in such a modern, connected way, and come to a resolution that betters us all.
People seem to be showing more patience, compassion, respect, and acknowledgment of one another. Families and friends who are stuck with each other (at the moment) seem to be re-introducing themselves, they are spending time together they otherwise wouldn’t have had, and enjoying it immensely. People are outside exploring and breathing in the fresh air (because let’s be honest, one can only spend so much time indoors).
We are getting back to our roots and taking advantage of activities that allow us to unplug.
People are giving 24/7 support and they are allowing the rest of us to remain well and safe. Remember to create more through giving and bask in the love that remains.
This to shall pass, and we will enter into a new, different era. Let’s do our best to make it one of connection, love, support, and service to our fellow human beings.
Blessings on your journey.