Tag: miinc


Instead of wasting your energy on that which cannot be changed, you need to focus on that which can be created. Which feels better within you – holding on or letting go? Thinking or Creating? One of the best questions you can ask yourself is, “Can I change it?” If the answer is, “no,” then…
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Detaching When Manifesting: If we truly believe in the universe / divine delivering us our desires, we must let go. Not of the possibility of it happening, but because there is nothing left to do – it’s as good as done. Detach and let go with faith and confidence; not in your desire, but in…
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December Retreat: Holiday Party!

Come Celebrate the Holiday Season with us on Saturday, December 14th of Retreat! 6pm-7pm = Please bring snacks to share & Yogi Tea will be provided for the party. 7pm-10pm = Dance to the live music of David Nunn & Friends! This event will take place on the Saturday of our December Retreat. This is…
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November 2019: NM Retreat

Hello All, Here is a friendly reminder about our upcoming Meditation Retreat… Taos, NM                   November 15-16-17              Retreat begins Thursday Night at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at Taos Satva – #2 Upper Colonias Rd, El Prado, NM – and is followed at 7:00pm with an Open Meditation-Service Class. 4th’s and above are welcome to the Initiation…
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You’re never going to be 100% ready and it’s never going to be just the right time, but that’s the point. It means that every moment is also the right moment. If you want it, you just have to do it. Start. Take action. Do. Make moves. Take steps. No matter where you are or…
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Guru Chats

Hi Everybody, What wonderful fall retreats we have had going-on. I am learning so much from all of you. Our mystery guests have been inspiring and it is always a great reminder to serve where each of you needs to be served. Things were easy for me while studying with Audle because I had sight.…
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Balancing Act

We absolutely loved the visual in the original graphic, but we also created our own which is quite fitting to the work we teach and the life we are consistently learning in. Life is all about balance. Balancing home life with work life with play life with friend and family life, etc… Balance. One of…
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Guru Quotes

The Leapin’ Lizards have had their day             The Zoom City Snakes have dissolved   The Secret Squirrels are no more             What’s left are warm memories and lots of love.   – JD View the full Newsletter HERE

October 2019: CO Retreat

Hello All,  Tis the season of fall and what better way to spend it than with a wonderful, supportive community that nurtures your entire being!?  Come check out our upcoming meditation retreat!  Details below: Montrose, CO            October 18-19-20                  Retreat begins Thursday Night at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at the Mountain Institute Inc Center located…
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Everything is Temporary

Those emotions you feel, give it some time because they will not sustain. Trust yourself, but also give yourself space to feel what you need to and gather your thoughts so that you can express yourself without saying those words you will regret. Nothing is permanent, but those words you said in haste cannot be…
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ROOF Fundraiser

Dear Mountaineers, We are reaching out for your assistance. Our Center has come such a long way in its progression of becoming our beautiful, sacred space, but it still needs some TLC. The Mountain Institute Inc Center is receiving a new and much-needed roof. This is expected to cost about $15,000.00. If we all donate…
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