Tag: meditation retreats

Running the Energy

Hey All, Here is a guided meditation with Co-Spiritual Director Clare Densow leading us through our Beginning Technique “Running the Energy”. 30mins. Mountain Institute Inc is on YOUTUBE. We’re adding snippets from our Meditation Retreats (guided meditations +), Lectures, and more. Check it out 🙂 Remember to give us a FOLLOW and SHARE. We’d appreciate…
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We’re on YOUTUBE

Hey All, We’ve been working on something and we’re ready to share! Mountain Institute Inc is on YOUTUBE. We’re adding snippets from our Meditation Retreats (guided meditations +), Lectures, and more. Check it out 🙂 Give us a FOLLOW and SHARE. We’d appreciate it. Blessings, Jerry & Clare Follow and Share: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8tqWKjAvvM07jcGjZkxHTA  

Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, Well, here we go again… Welcome to the New Year and the New Decade once again! I’m not making any “new” resolutions. I am going to stick with what I am already doing. I am going to fine-tune, refine, improve, and simplify. By my age, at the very least, a person should know…
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Guru Chats

Hi Everybody, What wonderful fall retreats we have had going-on. I am learning so much from all of you. Our mystery guests have been inspiring and it is always a great reminder to serve where each of you needs to be served. Things were easy for me while studying with Audle because I had sight.…
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ROOF Fundraiser

Dear Mountaineers, We are reaching out for your assistance. Our Center has come such a long way in its progression of becoming our beautiful, sacred space, but it still needs some TLC. The Mountain Institute Inc Center is receiving a new and much-needed roof. This is expected to cost about $15,000.00. If we all donate…
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