Tag: Lamplighting

Big or Small

To achieve a great goal, one must begin with a small achievement. -Fortune Cookie Says… It doesn’t matter how big or how small, what matters is that you start. Start on your journey. Start on your projects. If it seems daunting or overwhelming, break it down.  Small achievements add up. Every step you are taking…
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Positive Elevation

P ositive E nergy A ctivates C onstant E levation Yes, no one can be positive all the time, but if you go for 80/20 or 60/40 or (heck) 90/10 you are definitely beating the odds. The best way to change that which is out of our control is to take one step at a…
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April: Online Retreat

Hello All, We are still going to have an April Retreat, it is just going to look a little bit different! Taos,NM                   April 18-19                       ONLINE RETREAT ONLY — Join us for the Taos Retreat in Downtown Montrose.…
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Be Kind

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. -LaoTzu   What a wonderful time to be involved in this world and observing all the changes happening around us. People are becoming more aware of just how connected we all (truly) are in this (entire) world. We are in…
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I Accept

What a wonderful time to look across the canvas of your life and reflect… Observe what is no longer working for (or serving) you in this life. Make adjustments in the ways you can. See what excites you and do more of what makes you feel good (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically). Seek the refuge…
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Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, Now, for those of you that have been active all winter, you don’t need to continue reading… But, for the rest of us couch or rocking chair potatoes, this is for you! It is time to get up and get active! Take that walk, lift those weights, do that yoga, ride that bike,…
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March 2020: Retreat UPDATE

Just a reminder… with flu and cold season in high gear, as a courtesy to yourself and others, if you are feeling under-the-weather please attend retreat via the Live Streaming Option — even if you live locally. All those feeling healthy, please feel free to attend in person. We look forward to a happy, healthy…
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March 2020: Colorado Retreat

Hello All! We have a Meditation Retreat coming up and we would love for you to join us! Details below… Montrose, CO            March 13-14-15         Retreat begins Thursday Night at 5:30pm with 4th Initiations at the Mountain Institute Inc Center located at 330 S 12th St, Unit C in MONTROSE, CO, and is followed at 7:00pm…
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