Tag: embrace ambition

Guru Chats

Hi Everyone, No, you are not alone, we are all cleaning up. But, in case you are wondering what is going on, our friends in Shambala had us up the energy earlier this year which is allowing us to clear ourselves at much deeper levels. Remember to use your “bundling technique”, hefty bags, and all…
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One Rule

Setting change in motion is only the beginning. You must continue the momentum in order to achieve it. To avoid setbacks (or at least minimize and curb them) you must be honest with yourself and what you are truly willing to do and let go of. Be honest with yourself, every day and every step…
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Action, Movement, instills change. It creates a momentum.  Did you know that making a decision, even if you aren’t sure if it is the right one, allows you to free up time, space, and energy for the right things to come your way. And, the decision you made could very well be the right one,…
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Look Ahead

The life in front of you is way more important than the life behind you! What has passed is gone, learn from it. What is here is happening now, embrace it. What is coming is not definite, change it. You always have the opportunity to change your present which will affect your future. Try and…
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