Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind was Audle Allison’s Guru and a Sikh master.
Dr.Thind studied at the Radha So A Mi School in Beas, India under Sawan Singh. He studied there from seven years old until he came to America at the age of 21.
Dr. Thind lit Audle’s light and Audle studied with him for 12 years until Dr. Thind’s death in 1967.
In 1968 Audle met Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda. Audle was initiated into Kriya by Mr. Davis.
Shortly after Audle started teaching these meditation techniques (lamplighting and kriya) in Oklahoma City his group became known as the Lotus Center.
Our school incorporates the Lamplighting Path combined with Kriya Techniques as taught by Audle Allison.
Audle Allison

Dr Thind

Roy Eugene Davis