
Detaching When Manifesting:
If we truly believe in the universe / divine delivering us our desires, we must let go. Not of the possibility of it happening, but because there is nothing left to do – it’s as good as done.
Detach and let go with faith and confidence; not in your desire, but in The Universe / Divine, in which all things are possible.
Know your goals. Write them down. Make a plan. Create your path. Follow it. And let go. Surrender.
Allow the divine to show you the best path for you to achieve your goals. Allow for changes in your course and developments that may even lead you in a new direction.
Once you ask, and truly believe that the divine will deliver, surrender to the process. Allow for flexibility and alterations, but keep in sight your end goal. Allow the magic of manifesting to unfold before you with grace and ease. Trust that the divine is guiding you to exactly where you need to be.